Creditor's Rights and Collections
The firm has a great deal of experience representing collection agencies, financial institutions, and other creditors in their efforts to collect unpaid debts in Tippecanoe County and surrounding counties, including Newton, Jasper, White, Carroll, Benton, Warren, Fountain, Montgomery, Clinton, Howard, and Boone Counties.
We begin from the obvious but often forgotten premise that if you have provided a product or service, you ought to be compensated for it. From there, our goal is to ensure that your claim is a priority to the person who owes you money. Our philosophy is to be firm but fair in our efforts to collect debts. Where no income or assets are available, being disrespectful to the person who owes money is not useful. Where they are available, being disrespectful is unnecessary. Our goal is simply to locate income and assets that are legally available to satisfy the debt and see to it that they are so applied.
For additional information, see our blog posts on collections.